Tuesday 2 June 2009

If things seem slow this week

If it seems like a slow week and a low week for this blog, it is because something out there decided our day would have only 24 hours.

If only there were wee cards that we could hand in that would magically make an extra 2 or 3 hours in a day. Wouldn't it be nice? Of course most people would turn them in and use them for work, and housecleaning, and errands. I just want them for sitting around and chatting with Mr. Needles, or sitting quietly and knitting, or having a snooze in on the back deck in the middle of the afternoon. Who wouldn't.

Till someone invents a way to slow down time or to create more hours in a day, I shall continue to run around, and get nothing of significance done.
I shall continue to hope that all these little tasks sucking the life out of my day, will add up to a significant thing done.

For now, I am going to go put on a warm jacket and go out to find a sunny corner to have a cup of coffee in. Sometimes you just have to.


Knitting Alchemist said...

I so feel your pain. This working life is for the birds or someone of much stronger stock than I.

I'm so glad you said you're going to put on a warm jacket and find a sunny corner. All I've heard lately is whining about how awful the weather is. The sun IS shining, and it's NOT snowing or raining, so how bad can it be?

Sigrun said...

Here's my first visit to your blog. We operate a greenhouse and tree nursery, you know, just east of Lamont (not just--11 miles East on Highway 29). I'm totally with you about time. Don't have time to check earlier posts. Enjoyed the visit to the shop today.