Thursday, 23 April 2009

Well, heck

I had big plans for the day. Big plans. The weather is not cooperating.

I had planned to wash sheep fleece today. I was going to do it outdoors in a big old fashioned washtub on my outdoor fire pit (which has a really sturdy grate on top). I had dreams of an nice spring day, sitting by the fire pit, communing with nature, sipping my coffee, feeling earthy and good. It was going to be my day late homage to earth day, and things natural.

Nature decided otherwise. There is a fine skiff of fresh snow out there, wee pellets of snow still falling, and with a moderate wind, it rates as miserable for a spring day. If this was still winter, it would only be moderately miserable. It could be worse.

So I am going to fall back on someone elses work, take advantage of linkiness, and point you to an Achenblog piece about sorting through stuff. (note the article about sheep) And this one from yesterday (or was it the day before) about discovering a new planet . Sublime, scientific, silly and profound all in one short span of days. With just a touch of flyaway hair.

A true renaissance man.

1 comment:

Knitting Alchemist said...

Bummer about the fleece washing...a better day will soon be here for your fire pit use. Thanks for the Achenblog links. I swear I must be related to that guy. He sure hangs on to things like I do.