Monday 25 August 2008

When a shoulder is not a shoulder

when a sleeve is not a sleeve. Nope, not at the sleeves yet, but it sounds poetic don't you think?

I worked on the green Drops sweater again this weekend, and it is going along beautifully, but for one small thing. I can't seem to get beyond the right front. Or maybe it is the left front. Each time I think I am done, I end up having to pull it all out an redo. I'm afraid to contemplate how many times I am going to have to knit these parts before they are error free.

I ripped back the half done front because I realized I was doing the shoulder decreases at the front neck.

Rip Rip

Then, I measured a dozen times, I felt confident that the back and the front were the same length to point where I was to start decreasing at the underarm. I measured flat, hanging, on my knees, on the chair, on the table. I measured with a plastic tape measure, with a metal one, with a piece of string, with some spare yarn. I measured my heart out only to find that when I was at the shoulder seam, and held it all in place, the front side seam was 1 inch shorter than the back side seam.

Rip, rip, sha na na na, sha na na na na na. You know it hardly hurts to rip back anymore. Maybe that is because I like knitting an awful lot or maybe it is because I am numb to its pain.

I do have to lay it aside for a while and let it think about itself. It rested over night, but I am girding my loins this morning, and intend to get right back to work.

Knit, knit, sha na na na, sha na na na na na.

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