Thursday 3 April 2008

Waking up with a clearer head

I fell hard for the siren song of Cloud Cotton yesterday. I have a whole front of a sweater done. It doesn't take long in crochet to move along swiftly. For those of us who need to stroke our ego with completed projects, crochet is it. Crochet sweaters work up at lightning speed when compared to knitted ones. The front turned out very well, and I am pleased as punch. So I'll be ripping it back shortly.

Why? Because in this really nice cotton I can see possibilities. I'm not used to seeing possibilities in crochet. I've always known they were there, but I just couldn't see how to get the task done. Knitting has performed magic in my head and so has massive exposure to better yarn. I know exactly what I want to do.

I used short row shaping on the lower front to accommodate my hippy tendency. When I hung the front on my dress form, it looked great. It flared just at the right place, and did exactly what I was asking the short rows to do. I can see more shaping making it look even better. So I am ripping it back so I can put proper darts in, rather than simple gussets and while I am at it, I'm going to make it just a little longer.

The original vision was going to have a picket fence edging along the bottom. It would have suited the simple shape of the original sweater vision. The yarn has announced that it wants shaping and this simple stitch to speak instead. An attached edging will only mute that message.

So onward. Longer and more shaped. Who knows what this top/sweater/ jacket(?) is going to end up as.

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