Friday 4 April 2008

Right thinking

You know how sometimes when you are watching TV or a movie, you just want to shout 'left, left. No your other left' to a character doing something really dumb. Well you don't have to do this today with me.

Ta daaaa. Isn't that nice? The first go round the front did what I wanted it to around the hip area. It curved to fit the form, but the top section just sort of hung flat with no curve. See how nicely it is curving around the bust line now? Right where it needs to curve across the side of the bust line, it is. Right where the hips need flaring, it is. Well on several places. There are actually 3 evenly placed short rows across the bottom. Now if I can just get the other front foundation row to match this one, I'll be fine. (3 tries and counting. Gauge? What gauge?)

I spent a lot of time doing something else yesterday. Note how there are two ends? The blue scarf is completed.I really enjoyed how this flowed as I worked it. It felt like perfect symmetry between yarn, pattern and needle. Curlerchik is absolutely right. This is some really nice yarn, and I am grateful for the gift.

The big plus is that there were only 2 pattern rows! Well 4, but 2 of them were purl rows and even I could not screw up a purl row (In fact I did. Several times.) I hardly ever had to tink back to redo a row of this simple old Dutch pattern(big bold lie alert. I got so good at tinking even the tinking had rhythm).

I have about 2 feet of yarn left, enough for two pattern rows, but not the 4 I needed. Since I don't want to waste and inch, I'll be adding a little fringe to Mr. Deer's Trophy scarf .

Hmm, that link is aiming right at one of the other things that has been bugging me. My new workbag. It is sitting there , desperately needed, and yet unfinished. Maybe that is what I'll work on today. I wonder if I can complete the inside in time to use it tomorrow?

What is up tomorrow you ask? An Edmonton Ravelers Road trip to one of the local area yarn shops. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Nice to hear from you yesterday. I can see you have been busy.....Is there a guiness world record for knitting? You should apply!
