Wednesday 14 August 2024

Little Loom Squares

I did do Zoom Loom squares yesterday.  

Three complete and one half done.  

It ended up being a pretty busy day.  

I worked at getting my library back in order.  The odd thing is that all the books that came off the shelves do not fit back on to the shelves.  Even with doubling on some shelves.  My question is this.  Do books breed like a yarn stash, seeming to spawn offspring with wild abandon?  

I know the answer and it is, naturally, YES, only I don't buy paper books very often anymore. Most of my reading is audio books.  In the last two years I have been gifted two on paper books and that is it for new acquisitions.   

My quest to fit everything back on the shelves continues today.  There is also going to be a bit of work with the loom.  I want to complete the square that is on it and use this to squeak out one more.  Maybe.  

It isn't a lot of yarn but it will be interesting to see how far I can get with it.  I have other colours standing by to assist if needed.  

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