Thursday 8 August 2024

A Perfect Day

There was no knitting again yesterday. This is bad because I get antsy and weird when  am not knitting at least a bit everyday.  Knitting makes every day better.  

I started this morning by watching NorwegianKnitter on Youtube .  Her gorgeous Olga sweater made me need to pick up my needles and just do something with them.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I had started a sleeve and realized that my gauge was way off.

You can see it pretty plainly here.  I pulled the sleeve out

leaving me with something akin to a plate full of noodles.  I did not pull it back all the way.  I wanted to restart with the stitches I had picked up already.  Those picked up stitches are often a bit loose so starting with them seemed like a good plan.

And I am off to a good start.  I know it is only two rows but everything counts.  

I do have more books to move back today.  I cannot work as fast as I used to and I am giving all the books a good cleaning and dusting too.  Plus all the little side adventures are just too wonderful to stop.  I spent a good couple hours looking at and reading my Encyclopedia of World Costume.

It is a compendium of words and descriptions and small pencil sketches of items of clothing over all the centuries of garments up till the 70s.  It is a treasury of the arcane. I got is as a library discard and it is a treasured part of my library full the weird and wonderful.  

So today will be a day of knitting and books. Add some coffee and it is my kind of perfection. 

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