Wednesday 3 July 2024

A Knitter's Day

My day was comprised of fabric fun...and terror.

I did a stupid.  The fabric I am using has a definite pattern.  All the flowers need to be facing right side up to look correct.  I laid it out with the right orientation, but I lay the two lengths of fabric together right side to wrong side.  As any sensible sewer knows you cannot do that.  It has to be rights together or wrong sides together so that your pieces turn out properly. I cut about a foot into the fabric before I realized I was about to mess up big time.

 I took the pattern off the fabric and started the process of flipping the fabrics wrong side to wrong side.  Somewhere in there, I completely lost heart.  I did not have it in me to keep working with these two huge pieces of fabric.  I backed away and went to my knitting and knit out my vey strong feelings about the whole silly thing.  

I kept on knitting and the lines from this old nursery rhyme kept flitting though my mind.  

"Old woman, old woman, old woman, said I, "

It made me laugh and between that and the knitting, I felt better.  I made tea and got on with the rest of the day. It healed my fragile ego.

What you see here is a significant part of the first front section.  I am so thrilled to be here.  It is one step closer to all the lovely knitting in the round.

Old Woman, Old Woman

There was an old woman tossed in a basket,

Seventeen times as high as the moon;

But where she was going no mortal could tell,

For under her arms she carried a broom.

"Old woman, old woman, old woman," said I,

"Whither, oh whither, oh whither so high?"

"To sweep the cobwebs from the sky;

And I'll be with you by-and-by."

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