Thursday 13 June 2024

When Good Knits Go Bad

By lunchtime yesterday I felt I had cowered in the cold long enough. I was warm enough on the outside but shawl or not, I couldn't stop the feeling of a chill down my back.  I pulled out one of my favourite knits ** which I have not worn all spring.

It had a problem.  The last time I wore it, I think it got caught a couple times on a sticking out catchy bit on one of the dishwasher trays.  Time for a good fix.

I had to pull out a few rows   

but that was easy enough.  Except for the weaving in end from the original knit.  I am apparently very good at hiding the woven in ends and it made for an interesting rip back.  Eventually I got it and pulled back enough for the edge to be redone firmly and

here we are.  Fixed and wearable.  The repaired cuff is three rows shorter than the other side but that will do.  The sleeves are plenty long and nobody will notice but me. I had hoped for a two row repair, but it was not to be.  And so it goes.  

I put it on and put on the pretty summer shawl with it and was cozy all the rest of the day.

In other big news, I just finished putting the sleeve stitches on a holder on the second Tolsta.  I am utterly thrilled!

**They are all my favourite knits.

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