Friday 7 June 2024

Trivial bits of things

I really want both my WIP tops to be finished.  It isn't that I am tired of knitting them.  I want to wear them.  It is so exciting making new things that fit just how you want them to fit in the colours and fibers you want.  Plus the simple action of knitting. 

I will let you in on a little trivia on both tops.

I love knitting this yarn. Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool is on of the most splendid things to work with.  It is a fairly fine DK, more of a sportweight to my way of thinking, but the weight you call it is not that important.  The gauge you get is. 

This top is all garter stitch. At this finer gauge, it takes some time to see how much you knit each day. It doesn't feel boring (not that any knitting is) because of the stripes and the yarn changes.  It is fun, but oh my, the garter stitch. It is a lot of garter stitch.

Good thing I like garter stitch.

The second Tolsta Tee is being made with cheap yarn.  I bought the Country Silk in Jasper the summer my daughter in law, Olga was first here.  She came camping with Brian and I to Rock Lake but we also spent a day in Jasper.  Brian did not mean to park right in front of the yarn store that used to be there, but that is where we ended up.  It was fate.

The black cotton is from one of my most fun adventures from online shopping.  This South African cotton, Cotton Fields was being sold at an incredible price.  Each skein was under 2 bucks and I ordered tons and I am so glad I did.   

I am happy that I decided to knit this one double stranded.  It is knitting up with reasonable speed and I hope to have it done by the end of the month. If my hands hold out, it will happen.  It will be great to wear on those hot July and Augusts days.  

Today a bit of knitting, a bit of reading and the start of an F1 race weekend.  In Canada I might add.  Looking good.

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