Monday 3 June 2024


What a lovely weekend.  The weather was fine, my brother was visiting and there was a surprise visit by some grandkids.  Just a lovely weekend.  

Around town, the flower bloom is going all out.  The lilacs, that old prairie farmyard staple and almost every ones early spring favourite,  are spectacular this year.  The purple sort are everywhere but one of my sons has a white lilac in his front yard and a Japanese lilac tree in his backyard. The tree lilac will bloom in a week or two and is well worth waiting for just for its scent.  Gorgeous.    

The only real downside to the weekend was that thee was no knitting.  Sigh.

My hands feel great but I am going to give it another day or two to be sure. Today is laundry day so there is lots to fill my day and I may even do some well loved chores (dishes) and have a really good time.  Or not as the case may be.  I am thinking of pulling out another puzzle to start to fill in the between times.  We shall see.  But shortly there will be some sewing and some knitting and that will be enough.  

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