Thursday 23 May 2024

Waiting to Play

I had a bit of fun yesterday.  A package arrived from the fabric store.    

An exuberant packager used lots of tape.  This is with most of the stuff that went from one end to the other taken off.  

I don't need more fabric.  Not at all, but this buy was about getting cheap fabric to test out skirts and some top ideas before I cut into my pretty fabric. The fabric store had an online deal for a whole bolt of fabric (15 metres in this case) for $89.99.  That means that each meter was $6.00 per metre.  That is a seriously great price.  Even a plain unbleached cotton is $10.00 a metre at the moment. 

The plain black fabric is great for test sewing and is very wearable should a test sew work out.
As I was planning my summer sewing, I realized I wanted a few more shirts in my wardrobe.  I picked up this red striped cotton fabric

And this wonderful blue patterned linen and cotton fabric for that.  

I thought that would be the end of it but in the really good sale markdowns was 5 metres of  this wonderful khaki linen.  I have some of this colour already.  

I really did not need it.  I have 4 lengths of linen from last year that need making into bottoms or dresses, but the price was great and I adore this colour.  It is just so perfect.  I don't really need 5 metres for any one thing, but it was the last they had and I hate when I am searching for fabric and find only 1 meter left.  There is always a way to use up a bit of extra fabric.  

All of this makes it even more anxious for my hand to heal up.  I want to play.  

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