Wednesday 8 May 2024

Problem Solver

And this morning I have plenty of pep.  Life is weird.  It may have had something to do with an all day rain yesterday.  I love the sounds of rain.

I knit a fair bit yesterday.  

When I started, I was two or three rows above the arm hole.  I had to try it on first to be sure that it was long enough and that my math wouldn't fail me.  All is well.  Now it is just knitting till it is time to do some body increasing in my usual manner.  It is striped so it feels like it is knitting up fast.  It is happy knitting.

Happy knitting means lots of good thinking time.

I was wearing this very simple top that I made a few years ago and thinking about how much I enjoy wearing it. It is Blanche by Veronica Jobe.  

I made it straight across at the back neck and gave it a bit of hip shaping but that was it for mods.

The sleeves are just right and the fit is perfect.  It is so comfortable to wear.  

In my meandering thoughts, I asked myself why I wasn't using this as the basis for the shaping of the teal top.  I actually stopped knitting, it was so an earth shattering.  I asked myself that again.

All along, the plan for the teal sweater was to use the sort of short row shaping that the Elysium vest has.   It would work so well for how this sweater is knit, with it's vertical garter stitch, but I was having such trouble getting the stitch counts right.  I spent way too much time fussing with that already.  The project is currently in a corner.  BUT, if I use the dimensions from the green top and do all the shaping at the side 'seams', I can just keep knitting and not worry.  I don't have to set up arm holes.  I don't have to try to match short rows.  I don't have to worry about matching the longer back hem.  I can just knit.  This is simpler shape is exactly what I needed.

So that resolves that conflict.  And I can get back to that sweet top.  After this greige one is complete.  Of course.

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