Tuesday 21 May 2024

A Cookie Crumbles

My first version of the Tolsta Tee is complete.

I am really pleased with how it fits.  Every raglan sleeved pattern is a bit different where it starts at the neck line and I have to say, I really, really like this.  Not too close or too crew neck, not to deep or wide.  It is just right.  I am glad that I changed out the yarn for the last stripe sequence at the bottom though. This is all I have left.  

It would be enough for a two row stripe but not for the four row or seven row at the bottom. And as you can see on the first photo, that very orangey skein worked out quite well.  You know it s different, but not painfully so.

I was so hyped that I started a second Tolsta

and that is when it all stopped being fun.

Not the knitting. The knitting is all fun, but I mean everything else.  I did something Saturday night while I slept and I kept getting sharp spasms of pain shooting down all the nerves in my right arm and into my hand.  Laying down seemed to make it so much worse.  I have not had a proper sleep for a couple of nights now and I cannot move my right hand without it causing intense pain.  I can't lift a coffee cup.  I can't hold a needle to sew anything. I cannot hold a book to read.  It hurts too much to do puzzles digitally or otherwise. I can't even open the door on my clothes dryer.   Whatever it is, is getting a bit better but I am taking it careful and am not really doing anything with my right hand.

The irritating thing is my left hand is okay other than I can tell I am not wearing braces at night.  I need two hands to do those up at night.

I had dreamed of having another Tolsta at the underarm by this coming weekend, but it is not to be.  It will happen, just later than I hoped.  That is how the cookie crumbles sometimes.  Time for knitting later.

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