Thursday 15 February 2024

Letting Go

My mind is being pulled in a hundred different ways today.  There is always so much interesting stuff to do.  And yet I think this post is going to be about making there be less interesting stuff to do.

That sounds weird I know.  It's okay.  It flummoxed me too. 

Being ill in 2022 was very scary.  I have faced the hard things of life and death and have come to terms with it.  I don't think I was quite prepared  though, for the way thoughts ran through my head and I was also not really prepared for the ease and clarity of the decisions that would come to me.  

I sold off my weaving things.  Most of them at least. I have a few books lingering in the shelves that are strictly related to weaving.  I forgot about those when I sent the loom to its new home.  The only weaving I pursue now is on the pin looms and that suits me perfectly. 

And now it is time to look at my spinning.  

I like the end product of spinning.  We all know that.  I enjoy spinning too, but all the rest related to it, while it is interesting and intriguing, is not really what I want to fill my days with.  When I think about doing these things, washing fleeces, carding, combing, prepping for spinning, I think about how many hours they take away from my knitting.  I needed to do them to gain a basic understanding of them.  My hands needed to understand them but my heart did not need to.     

I am in the middle of prepping my spinning things for sale.  I am debating keeping a single wheel but at this point I am not certain which wheel it will be.  I am not even sure if I will keep that.  There are some things I would still love to spin up but my dreams of spinning up from sheep to shawl no longer burns in me. The things I may want to do myself are about texture and how it would feel as it passes through my hands.  Generally, I just want to get straight to the shawl part and enjoy that.  

I have a new carder, a some what mutilated pair of small combs (can be repaired), a selection of spinning books, a vast selection of undyed fibre of various kinds and two wheels.  Getting rid of all these things isn't going to happen fast but I want things sorted out and done by springtime.  If any of you out there are interested in such things, let me know and I will get in touch with you before putting them up on the usual websites.  

Bottom line, I love to knit. There are endless adventures that I still burn to have within it, endless paths to explore and travel on. Knitting lives in every corner of my brain.  All the rest are things I can leave behind.  

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