Tuesday 13 February 2024


There is a thing that happens when you dress in wool garments.  

Warmth.  It is called warmth.  It is a different kind of warmth than warm from your furnace heating the air around you.  It is different than baking under a warm sun.  It is a soft surrounding warmth.  It is a caring warmth even though it is a inanimate thing.  But I feel it every single day when I put wool on.

Today I am wearing the striped socks I knit in advent.  These socks just make me feel happy.  I love these simple stripes.   And they are comfy and warm.  No cold feet when you wear wool socks.

And I am wearing my comfortable Leisl sweater knitted a good long while ago.  

The chunky yarn it is made in is one of the nicest things I have worked with.  And one of he nicest things I have to wear.  I knit a vest out of another colourway I had and in the depths of my stash, I have one more sweater quantity.  I am going to keep it safe for a special sweater.  I have no idea what that special treasure will be, but I know I am going to like it.

I do wish I had some handknit wool pants, but I just do not the body to knit pants for.  That is just never going to happen.  I still like to dream of them.

Much of this deep thinking about what I wear is because my stash is sitting where it is more visible.  I see it all dozens of times a day.  That leads to a lot of dreaming and desire to knit and I like that.  It is all just possibilities.  Of sweaters.  Of shawls.  Of blankets.  Oh yes, even blankets.  There are a world of things I would love to make.  It makes me deeply warm and happy to see it all, waiting for me.  

And these are the thoughts I have before coffee.  It is time to go find something interesting to do.  Linger or Utkiek?  I don't know.  But whatever it is, I am going to enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I took a look at the Linger pattern and I like it. I hadn't seen Knitty for a long time so had a lot of fun looking through all the patterns again. The Liesel sweater you made is a beautiful sweater. Once again the colour selection is great. Fay
