Monday 15 May 2023

A wonderful weekend!

What a wonderful weekend.  It was one of those perfect sorts.

Since the last post, I managed to get the neck section and the pesto collar knit together 

and made it to the point where the shoulders are begun and the sleeve cap has started to be formed.

And that pretty much gives away that I did not go raglan with this sweater.  I decided to go contiguous.  I had been wearing my Griege sweater  for the last few weeks and the way I did the contiguous shourlders for it were just the perfect thing.  I decided to do the same for this sweater, a nice wide rib between shoulder increases.  Keep your fingers crossed that this one turns out as well.

Most of my time this weekend was being a very busy Grandma.  Carter came for a visit and he really wanted Marcus to come too, so Marcus came as well.  These two together are great friends and playmates.  They keep each other busy doing all kinds of shenanigans but when they are together, they never get in trouble.  They played outside at the park, they scootered, they went to the big park, they arranged a picnic in the shade for me.  The list goes on and a very wonderful time was had by all.


I forgot to catch Marcus having his nap in the morning, though you can see I did get evidence of Carter's supper time nap.  For you see these two stinkers decided to stay awake all night.  I went to bed long after they did and I swear to you, that room was silent before I even thought about laying down myself.  But they tricked me and proof of their staying awake, was the deep, deep sleeps they had at odd times.  

Carter later told me, he learned his lesson and he is never going to try that again.  He thought he could stay awake the whole day and he did pretty well for a long time, but after a day full of running, climbing and playing, he lost the game and he feel asleep mid mouthful of his supper.  We took his food away and he slept through his uncle putting him to bed and through till next morning at 8 a.m.   His total sleep was fifteen hours.  A champion sleeper!

It was a wonderful busy weekend full of love and happiness and silly bigger boys giggles and babies and little boys smiles.  Who could ask for more?

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