Monday 20 March 2023

A Tiny bit of normal

I did the smallest bit of knitting today.  

I thought about starting with something small, but my heart wanted to give something different a shot.  I pulled out my sweater.

I knit precisely two rows through the day but it felt very normal.  It was only as I got near the end of each row that my hands started feeling anything at all, and it wasn't pain.  I could just feel the smallest bit of almost tingling but more as if they were just tired.  So very close but not where it needs to be too pick up and knit.  It is close and that is delightful.  

So, the puzzle still goes on.  It is a real challenge and it has become a pleasure again because it finally feels like it will be done someday and that someday is going to be soon.  I was working on the green areas between pieces this evening and almost before I knew it, it was well past my normal time to start my evening routine. 

In between I baked buns which I haven't done in a good long while.  And then I had a really nice chat with my mom, who is preparing to move into an assisted living facility.  It was a good day and I hope to repeat it tomorrow, especially the good day part.

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