Friday 16 December 2022

Learning to Set My Sails

Today's quote on the sidebar of my blog is this:  'It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind, which determines which way we will go.'  Jim Rohn.

After yesterday, I needed to read that.  I need to reset my brain and needed to stop my little struggling party, be it pity, anxiety or whatever fear it is and just get on with things.  There is little I can do to change the direction of my life and what I can change, I am already working on. I must accept this tribulation and learn to live with the way my wind is going to blow.  And that is what I am doing today.  I have my mask on to take a better scope on me with the machine, so I am sitting here, writing with the machine on my face, learning to understand what is happening between its settings and myself.  Wish me luck.

In the meantime, I did knit and that makes me wonderfully happy.

First up, the sweater.  Right now I have it on a magic loop technique, but even so, I have had to accept that I must cut the yarns for the sleeves rather than carrying them.  I just could not manage it keeping them attached on the much smaller circumference of the sleeve.  

I will most likely switch out to dpns again because honestly, I really hate magic loop.  I know, I must be one among thousands who feel that way, but it is just so defeating to do.  DPNS forever.  Without the strands getting in the way and sticking where they ought not to be sticking to, I am going home to my much favoured way of knitting small circumferences.

My fun for the day though was knitting a second red fingerless mitt.  DPNS.

I didn't knit heaps, but I did knit some.  Enough to keep my soul from screeching in anguish from all the other hard things of the day.  

The plan is the knit two blue and two red and then two of the little boys are done.  Then I just need a pair for Cassie and a pair for Isaac.  I am still wavering about Emmett.  I think his little hands and fingers are too short for fingerless ones.  Maybe one without the fingers?  I shall see. He is playing games when he is stuck in the car, and that is what the my two big little boys want them for. I do predict a lot of growth for his hands and fingers before next winter.  He is just that age and size.

And guess what?  My little Owen is walking now.  Yesterday he took steps between the big chair on the far side of the room all the way across to the TV.  Till now he was only doing a few steps here and there but everything comes to him who goes the direction the wind is blowing.  His brothers show him you can go faster on your feet.

Taking a lesson that lesson from my wee Owen, I am just going to run with it, learn to set my sails properly and sort out this darn machine.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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