Friday 23 December 2022

Here is the thing about plans

Here is the thing.  I have 'big eyes'  as in my mom always said I took too much of my favourite food on my plate.  She is right but more so, 'big eyes' speaks to the way I make plans too.

After finishing the body of the sweater for Luda, I decided that I would have time to knit the fingerless mittens that Carter and Marcus asked for in summer.  I also had to work hard to restrain myself from planning to knit something for all the grandkids before Christmas too.  And the reality is that it is not possible.

The reality is even the sweater won't quite get done.  I am going to knit on it and will try but I am pretty sure that there are just not enough hours to finish finish it.  My planning eyes were too big for the time I had left and did not allow for things related to my the realities of health and getting the house ready for visitors and napping and laundry and so on.

And then there is this.  It is the biggest problem with fingerless gloves.  On a fingerless mitt all you have to do is close up one longer bind off and then  weave in a start end, a finish end and a thumb beginning and end.  It is easy and takes only a few minutes.  But on a finger less glove, it is like this.

All those ends.  Instead of knitting yesterday, I wrapped gifts.  I meant to weave in ends, but after a late afternoon dietitian consult, I found my gumption had deserted me.  This morning it is the thing l have to do, and no getting around that.  

I am here, writing this post though, so I am not sure what that says...

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