Monday 5 September 2022

The return of sweater weather.

I have found that I really like sewing in the a.m. and after the sewing is caught up, there is spinning and weaving too.  These all will have to be morning things, because, increasingly, my ability to focus in the evenings is just gone.  I have wobbly vision as in the letters you see at the doctors on your vision charts, do not stay in a line for me.  The bob and weave and wave.  All day, the muscles that help focus work hard to keep things crisp and clear and they are tired at the end of the day and just can't do it anymore.  The older I get, the worse it gets so managing my day properly will help me get some things done.  A few months ago, I hoped to spin in the evenings but I found that just has not been as easy as I had hoped. So, I am going to write the blog and that is all that there is to it.  The computer will always let me adapt to larger and larger type so there you go.  Evening blogs are going to mean some weirdness will creep in.  I don't have the vision to edit well, so that may have to wait for mornings.  It also means that I have to write Sunday evenings and that is going to take a real effort. Not so natural as writing in the mornings but the best use of my time.  Wish me luck.

So when last I popped in here, I had just cast on for a workmanlike sweater, a good old fashioned plain sweater, and in the end, Friday was given to knitting it.  It just felt right to keep it going.  I kept on all through the weekend, betraying my F1 blanket in a big way.  But sweaters are needed more fiercely than a gift blanket.  And I knit all through the weekend and here, at the end of it all, I feel ery good about it.

We have the yoke complete.  In my head, this means that 1/3 of the sweater is done.  It's coming along nicely.

Now the next big thing for this sweater is the pouch.  I have a pouch on this sweater.  but I found that it was just a bit narrow.  I want this one to be wider by tow to three inches.  Otherwise, I am going to follow what I did for it on this new sweater.  

As late as last week I was making a plan for what if I ran out of green yarn.  I only have 3 skeins of this colour and while that ought to be lots, I worry.  It is what I do.  I had a backup of some rusty red and the closer I get to the pocket knitting, the more I am very seriously thinking that the inner pocket will be that rusty yarn.  Wouldn't that look neat with just bits popping out at the edges of the pockets?  It would involve a bit of intarisa knitting, but that isn't really a problem.  I planned to learn that skill before and maybe now is when I do it.

The closer I get to this point the less likely it is that I will need a backup.  I am done the top and have about a quarter of the first skein remaining.  No way will I use more than half a ball to knit the sleeves (3/4Sleeves) o there is lots to get the sweater as long as I want.  

All of that is down the road a day or two. Now it is time to shut down for the evening and to put of some blurry Poirot to watch as I fall asleep under my cozy blankets.  

Yes.  It is nice and cool over nights now.  Blessedly so and it won't be long till that first fronst comes calling.  Sweater weather is here on the wide prairie.

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