Wednesday 21 September 2022


I changed the sheets on my bed yesterday.  It's a completely insignificant thing in the big scheme of things but I am writing about it today because yesterday was the day I put on the full winter bedding.

My full winter bedding goes like this:  sheet, wool blanket, cotton quilt, wool filled comforter and it was the blanket that I added to the mix yesterday.  Putting on that last bit of bedding helps to sort out stuff with no place to go in my room, ie, the wool blanket in it's storage bag is no longer just taking up a corner, it is actively doing its job.  One less disaster corner. 

But the best part is a secret only known to those of us who use a wool blanket on their beds. A blanket provides a whole different level of warm.  

Comforters are great, do not get me wrong on that.  I made mine a few years ago and made a second one for my guest room and I love them and I am gradually changing over everyone else's mind about heavy thick wool comforters, one child at a time.  A comforter lays over you, capturing all your body warmth and holding it like a coccoon around you, protecting you from the chill of the night.  The air space it holds around you it its superpower.

But a blanket is different.  A wool blanket is flexible and its magic is that it drapes close to you, tucking right alongside you, connecting you directly to warmth and coziness.  It's a direct pathway to ultra warm.  Perhaps its superpower is that a soft woollen blanket, tucked close is the underwear of the blanket world..  

And just like the long johns of my childhood, having this last layer on my bed means I am ready for what comes.  

As I lay there, not hot, just incredibly cozy and cradled, I thought of mom and dad and winters in the house before dad fixed the central heating, and how my nose would stick out just above my layers of blankets, and it would breath in the chilly air, but everything below my nose was quite contentedly warm.   I felt surrounded by safety and comfort, just as if mom and dad were just next door and would save me no matter what  was in my dreams.

It was very hard getting out of bed this morning.  Incredibly hard.  And if I am honest, I am looking forward to getting back into it tonite.

My blanket was one of my presents to myself from the PEI portion Epic adventure.  It was supposed to be for on the guest bed but I need it more.  Blankets are still available for an extremely reasonable price from that same source, MacAusland's Woolen Mill and in this time of people looking for ways to cut costs, turn down your heating just a bit and turn up your wool power.

Get a blanket. 

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