Friend of Friend: Well, there was 2020.
Then 2020 won.
Now we're starting 2020 II.
This may be the most brilliant thing ever written about the last couple of years and a very large part of my fears...I don't like that word...concerns that it will be accurate about the coming year. I was working up some worry till I read this. It injected just a little funny into the whole darn mess.
I have not minded the quarantine so much. I have found benefits to staying at home and I found many new things to interest me. Much of it has been a weird sort of fun, including finding that zoom knitting could very easily be one of my favourite ways to socially knit. Do I want to do it yet another year? No. Who would. And there it is. I survived so far, but come on already.
In the end though, accurate a forecast though it may be, the only thing we can do is just take each day we get and live that day as completely in that moment as we can. We cannot control this virus, only our response to it. We cannot control the weather either and well, we deal with it. We cannot control the sunrises and sunsets but we just get on with it.
That really is the only way to deal with this. Live each day as it comes. Just see what it is and respond to it. Don't fill your inner space with worry about what the virus will do to this year, just get on with it.
Hmmm. take each day as it comes. NOt easy for a type A personality like me. HAppy New Year to you.