Sunday 31 October 2021


I finished two sweaters this weekend.  Yup two.  It isn't quite so amazing as it sounds as each had so little left to do. I would show you both but they are having a pre blocking bath.

And I feel weird.  This is different than when I usually finish a big thing.  That feels like just an emptiness, a missing of what is done and over.  This is different.  This is dissatisfaction.

Both of these are shorter than usual though the rust Ursina sweater is not as cropped as it started out to be.  The other is the Threipmuir I have been working on for a while and much as I love it, I am not quite sure there won't be more knitting to be done.

The problem is this. They are wide.  I knit them both as I would usually to give myself ease at the hips so the sweater did not cling but would move naturally as I moved.    It means that there is more than the usual fit width at my waist so that I do not end up with a skirty bit at my hips.  On these shorter cropped style sweaters means it is wide where it sits at the front.  

There is no way to really tell if these will work well till after the stiffness of the yarn has been washed out of them and blocked away.  If they drape nicely, it will be fine.  If not, I have some thinking to do.  

And that leaves me sort of dissatissfied.  I have a few days till blocking and drying is done, so for now, I am just going to knit something fun, something different, something unusual.

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