Tuesday 9 February 2021

Under all that wool, my happy place.

Here I am, past the number of socks I completed last year.  Wohooooooo

These are monsters of monsters.  Monster socks are where you take all the ends left from regular socks and knit the ends into lovely socks.  Some people make the most beautiful socks with the leftovers.  I made striped socks and that was plenty fine for me.   I tend to have fairly large leftovers and can easily make a second pair with just the smallest bit of an addition from another yarn. I was often left with small bits and butterflys of things.  Over time, I built up an entire bag of peanut sized ends and those ends are what the big ball of yarn came from.  

It is a silly amount of fun making socks from the wee bits and is even sillier when I think of the giant 60 litre bin of sock yarn I have. I wouldn't have to do this ever, really.  I have tons of full skeins and yet, silly is as silly does and it makes my heart happy.

It is cold again today.  Really cold.  I am going to play chicken today and work mostly in my room.  My livingroom and the kitchen have huge windows and on a windy day like today, well, it isn't that it is colder than usual in there.  The furnace is working just fine, but it feels like the cold is just more somehow.  I have an bigger than average window in my bedroom too but here, there are curtains covering the whole thing right to the floor. The air does not move so freely in here and the smaller space warms up nicely from just your body heat.  It kind of reminds me of those afternoons where we stayed in our room as teenagers and just listened to the radio and how snuggly and cozy warm you felt in the still air.  (Till your little sisters would come in to see what you were doing)

It feels like a good day for a big dive.  I did a wee small one a few weeks ago, but today, I think, is a good day for a full dive and even a reorganize.  There are boxes with room in them so it is time to combine.  I also want to make a box of yarns where I have knit something from it and there are still good amounts of yarn remaining.  That will come in handy with calls for mittens and hats each year.  

It is also February and that means that the next things I start should be the kind of thing I would be more likely to wear in warmer weather.  I do still have some summer yarns out that did not get knit up last year, but I want to peruse what else I have in there.  I have been so busy with knitting for cold chilly days, I have pushed aside thoughts of some o f the really, really great lighter weight yarns I have.  Kauni and Tove, I am thinking of you! But there are lots of others too.  There is a silk and flax blend that is stunning and a rich red pure silk as well as a DK weight natural coloured pure silk.  And all those lovely cones of Harrisvilled Shetland which is somewhere between a fingering and a sportweight.  Yum.  And Linen.  Lots of good things.  

I do have that small ball of lace to look for, as well, though, I am starting to get the feeling that I already pulled that wee skein out and I am going to have to order a measly ball so I can finish up my Shetland Shawl.  What will be will be I suppose.  

Oh well.  If you don't hear from me, I am probably buried in yarn in my room and you know what?  I don't think I want to be unburied.  I will at least be cozy and warm under all the lovely wool.

1 comment:

  1. Nora loves wearing mismatched socks so she would love something made like that.
