Thursday 18 February 2021

Peppier Knitting

Yesterday evening, between two different zoom visits, I finished a thing.

Perfect as is.  There are times where tubes socks are just perfect for where you are in life and times when complex heels and interesting toes and constructions are just the ticket.  There was a long while, pretty much since I moved here, where a good sock heel was right for my feet, and for what was going on inside my head.  That hasn't been the case lately.  Tube socks have been the answer.

For the last many months, socks were almost boring.  Hard to believe that I can say that but it was.  It was a conbination of yarns that weren't grabbing me and I was really hating the effort of making a heel.  I  could have gladly ripped this pair right out but then I would have had to find a reason for this perfectly decent yarn.  It felt right to push to get these and to get the other unisnpiring knitting out of the way and I am so glad I did

because this morning, I have new socks.  Socks are the brightest funkiest thing I wear, but even the uninspiring socks make my toes be warm.  New socks are always good.

Peppier Sock yarn ahead.  Immediately.  I needed something new for an evening zoom and I grabbed one of two lively looking skeins from the bag.  

Much peppier indeed!  That dark purple stripe was a wee bit of a surprise and I am so looking forward to see this come together.

The other part of my day went well.  Ish.  

I was working on Thriepmuir and I found a problem with a colourwork row, and had to pull back half a round to correct it.  

I did manage to sort it out after a second partial pull back for a musch smaller two stitch error but that put me behind on my plan to finish the colourwork yesterday morning.  

I made it to the last three rows. You can see the shaping of the elegant feather tips beetter here.

I am even more in love with the feather design than I was at the start  which is interesting, considering I bought the yarn at the Briggs and Little store because the shelf with the teal and the seafoam was right below the golden yellow and I felt an instant frisson.  They packed a wallop of intense pleasure that I can still see in my mind's eye and still can relive at will.  I cannot wait to wear this!  I knew there was a perfect pattern out there somewhere for this gorgeous colour combination though it did kind of surprise me when I found it was Thriepmuir.  The sweater wasn't really high on my list.  I had it favourited so I could remember it but I thought I was purchasing for a sweater more like a Sipila or a Vinstersol.  It took me very much by surpise when I got home and realized these colours were not just perfect for Thriepmuir, but were very close to what she had made the sample of that I was compelled by the yarns and colours themselves to knit it.  And every time I pull it out to work on it, I get just a bit of a thrill at how much I love the result.

All that remains of colourwork is the very tips of each feather and then it it's on to the 'rest of the story.'   And yes, you can say that to yourself with the voice of Paul Harvey in your head.  I did. 

What an exciting day ahead of me.  Some interesting sweater knitting, some interesting and inspiring sock knitting.  I am looking forward to a very good day.

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