Tuesday 23 February 2021

Going Purple.

There was a forgotten bag of yarn sitting on my printer, which is right beside my inspiration cabinet.  I am pretty sure it was supposed to be tucked in there  but the cabinet is full and I really, really did not want to dig into the closet to find a place to tuck the yarn.  

Only one thing to do:  Knit it.  I grabbed it and on the way out to my knitting corner, I said to myself, do you really need to do this.  The answer was swift, but I want to.  I thought but it will take a couple days out of one of the other lovely things I am working on, like my shawl, and the answer came, but you don't feel like shawl knitting.  You feel like purple knitting. The needles were on the top of the pile, all put together as if saying this is what we want. 

So I did.  I started playing with purple.

It started with this but you have to imagine a full skein of the light purple.  That is what I started with. Way back, this was part of the yarn I picked up on my Epic adventure at Briggs & Little. I did make Cassie a sweater from it, but I always meant to make a vest with the remaining yarn and that is what is going on right now.


I love the texture of this yarn in mistake rib so that is what I decided to go with for a pretty simple patternless vest.  However, I made the decision to start it in mistake rib before my coffee had fully filtered my brain on Saturday morning, and I forgot to recall that Cassie's sweater, which was a wonderful knit, was a knit flat  cardigan and my vest is a knit in the round.  Mistake Rib is great knit flat, but it took a wee bit of struggle till I found my rhythm knitting in the round.  Midafternoon yesterday, I started feeling comfortable with it.

I had hoped to mimic what I did on Cassie's sweater for the colour changes but I was running out of the Fundy Fog colour.  

I could only do one line of it on each of the change areas.  Not quite so integrated a change as I wanted, but it is what it is.  I have barely enough yarn to put a single row of it around the neckline and certainly don't have enough for arm bands.  I am seriously thinking about getting another skein of it so that the armhole edges and neckline will all be in just plain Fundy Fog.  

The thing that will decide what I will do for sure is how long the vest is with the yarn I have.  I did a red sweater several years ago with Regal and the whole thing took five skeins.  Without sleeves, I should have lots of yarn for what I want this to be and yet...

The other part is do I really want the colour contrast at the neckline?  I am not so sure I do.  I think the whole thing would have a nicer look if the whole top including the neckline edge forms just one colour block.   The sleeves don't really play into it.  The neckline is there front and center and I would see it a hundred times everytime I wear it.  What do I want it to say to me when I do see it?

Those are questions for another day.  Today is a day, to just knit.     

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