Friday 5 February 2021

Fitting It back In the WIP Bins

I spent the better part of yesterday going through the WIP bins.  My goal here at my current living space has always been to keep my works in progress in the three yellow Bosnas.  Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I don't.  Lately I don't and it seemed to be getting worse so I have  been making an effort to get myself in hand.

For many months now, the overflow has been contained in a large box of about the size of two of the current WIP footstools.  That helped, particularly this last fall as I was working on blankets.  Blankets take space and those giant ball consume a lot of territory.  At least I could clean around the room without having to deal with a dozen bags.  

One of the things in the footstools was a large bag of yarns from my Icelandic Shawl,   I kept it out because the shawl has not been blocked and I want it handy when I am blocking the Shetland Shawl.  I donn't need the yarns for this long finished project.  That bag with 7 skeins of Einband just is not helping me in my storage goals.  Keeping the book with the yarn is also not helping.  There is lots of room in the Einband box and room on the bookshelf. 

Around the bottom of the cardboard box were all the small projects and socks.  I have all my sock stuff in one bag now.  Contained for now, but it doesn't feel really natural.  As more room appears in the WIP bins, I can sort that out better too.  (Positive thinking there will be room in the WIP bins) The other more recent starts on shawls and wraps  are now tucked properly into the yellow footstools and one project that had been begun but is now in the frog it zone will go back into the yarn stash.     

There were a couple really slow moving projects in the footstools that have been eating up that storage space and my goal for now, is to finish those things or move them on.  

My green jacket project was one of them.  I ripped that right back a while ago, since I just did not have yarn in the colours I wanted for an over coat style jacket.  The jacket project took up most of the space in one footstool.  It didn't need to.  It really was just untidy storage.  I tidied that up a while ago, and now my focus for the green yarn from MacAusland's is the Build a Bigger V   patttern from Deb Gemmell.  I have been putting in some time regularly on that and I am so plased to say, it is working!

Looks a bit weird doesn't it.  Most of that is that the wider base is to the fore front of the picutre.  It isn't really as wide as it looks.  It does widen though which is one of the nifty things you can do with this design, if you want to.  I have another five or six inches of knitting to go, but it happens pretty fast.  IF you work on it that is.  The yarn remains a very sturdy thing and it is never going to be a soft sweater, but I do think it will be a good working around the house sweater or vest.  We shall see just how far this yarn will go. As important as getting a sweater out of it, is making space in the bin.  The big yarn takes big space.  I need to finish it.

I have also been working on the lace on the Shetland Shawl.  

This large shawl takes up a considerable amount of space and I still have all the bits and ends of leftover yarn with it as well.  I am giving it a new bigger bag where it can be folded more tidy and I am putting away all the yarns that I no longer need for the project.  This is one of the things that will not fit into the WIP bins. I need to finish it.  

And the blankie.

I need to finish it.  Not just for blanket warmth and space but because once these are done, I can start a very long desired project with the last of the yarn from the giant blanket yarn order from before Christmas.

That leaves only one wee thing in the box.  

This is a bag of sock monkeys.  This has been planned for so long and it seriously needs to be implemented.  I started planning this back when I had only four grandkids years ago.  I had the book and just needed yarn.  Then, three years ago, I had another gandchild. A year later, I bought the yarn but couldn't find the book.  Last summer, I found the book and book and yarn have become the things at the bottom of the box.  I have another grandchild on the way and it is well and good time to start my wee sock monkey project for Christmas.  Six!  I need six sock monkies!  Seriously time to start. Past time.

Time to finish.  Time to start.  Time to knit.

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