Thursday 16 July 2020

Or Knitting

While I did spend most of my day sewing yesterday, I also managed to do a little bit of knitting.  Thankfully.  Not a lot, but I managed a few rows before my hands went south.  

I am going to stick with alternate things to do for a few more days yet.  It is time I sewed and that had me digging in the patterns box from my shelf.  There are a few shirt patterns there that I enjoy sewing but a great deal of my time yesterday was looking at patterns online.  There are a few things I am pretty sure that I can do without a pattern but some things I am a little leary about trying without relying on a pattern.

I never thought about sewing without a pattern till Olga brought some things for me from Ukraine.  Their patterns give you a how and the measurments you need to get your garment to look like the design, but there is no paper pattern. You have to make that yourself.  That was an eye opener, but so was everything I learned in knitting about fit and my body's shape. 

I started learning about online small independant designer's and pattern companies through Modern Daily Knitting.  They had a regular column by Sonia Phillips at One Hundred Acts of Sewing.  That opened my generally narrow looking eyes to the idea to look for more independant pattern companies.  

One of the most interesting places I have been looking for patterns lately has been Helen's Closet.   There are a couple pieces in her shop that I really love.  There will have to be adjustments made to fit, but then there always are, and I had to stop and think if I  had the right kind of fabric for some of the things I like from her line, but a purchase is imminent.  As in today.  

That doesn't mean I am sewing her patterns today.  First I have to get printer ink.  Then I have to print and put them together.  Then I have to decide the best way to adapt to fit.  Then I have to pull the fabric out and lay it out to see if I have what I need.  Then and only then, will I be ready to sew.  To sew new things that is.  

Today I am aiming for repairs. Just getting that started yesterday was a huge relief.  The messy pile is already well on its way to order.  If I get that all done today, then PJs and then fun new stuff.  Or knitting.  I am good both ways.

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