Friday 5 June 2020

Feeling Good About the Knitting

You know that part of yesterdays post where i said it left me with more energy?  Ha.  I napped.  I had a short nap in the morning, then one late in the afternoon and napped again after supper, when I went to bed where I fell  asleep so fast that I don't even remember the book beyond what was read before I sat down on my bed.  (audiobook)  The trick of it was that after my seriously fun day, I only slept about three hours that night so yesterday was catchup sleep.  We all know that catch up sleep is not at all as good as our regular routine sleep.  I guess I played catch up sleep all day long.

I did get some knitting done though and I am very pleased to report 

that I am just about to begin the front shoulders.  The really interesting thing about knitting Lipstick is that you don't have to knit very long to get to the correct arm length.  You measure it along the edge of your work and for even the largest size, you only knit so it is long enough for your upper arm.  In the case of this sweater, five and a half inches.  Your underarm will have plenty of space as you go along on the body and not only will it fit, it will fit well.  It is such a good construction for so many kinds of bodies.

I do hope to get both fronts completed today.  I would love to see some substantial knitting done by the time the weekend is over.  There really isn't any reason for this, other than how much I am enjoying this yarn and this pattern.  What a great feeling it is to feel good about where pattern and yarn are, and with gauge.  It is just fun and a relief.

I wore my chunky Leisl yesterday and oh my.  

I had forgotten how snuggly and cozy it is.  It makes me all the more eager to knit what I have planned for Olga. (It's up next!) I am going to knit it in the same yarn in a rich deep olive.   It just feels so cozy to wear!

Anyway, that is it for today.  Lots of good things on my mind.  Keeps the sorrows not at bay, so much as in proprtion.  There are bad people, there are people who do bad things, there are good people and people who do good things.  Work to correct the bad, focus on where the good needs to be.

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