Tuesday 11 February 2020

Beyond Zero Knitting

Between yesterday and today there was zero knitting.  Which doesn't surprise me at all.  It was errand day here, and errand day is enough all on it's own without time for anything else.  It was lovely warm outside, not really a winter day at all.  I wore a vest to go out, over my inside the house sweater but only because the vest has pockets.  But not a winter day at all.

Today there will be knitting.  My goal for the day is to get to the end of the first section of cream on this final border.  My goal is to have the whole blanket done by this weekend, a very sensible and reachable goal.

In the very birght middle of the day, I am doing embroidery.  It is coming along very well.  No way do I have enough of the purple Marcus used to do everything he did with that purple.  I am applying a little artisitc license, for instance the lava flows do have a bit of other colours shading them.  They end in a deep almost black purple.  I'm still working on lava flows.  It will be a while.  There is a lot of lava flowing in this picture.  

I am having a lot of fun playing with this though.  I have to go through and see if I have any pictures from Cassie that would do well embroidered.  I have to see if I have anything from Issac and Carter that could be done, though I don't think so.  They are not drawing kids like Cassie and Marcus.  I may have to ask mom for a little something from their art folders from school. Wouldn't it be sweet though, to have a little something from each of them?

Anyway, no photos today.  But soon.  Soon there will be all kinds of stuff.

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