Sunday 5 January 2020

Yesterday was my birthday and it was lovely.

Cassie and Marcus came to visit and brought me a birthday cake and a birthday present.  Their daddy told me that they were doing some shopping when Marcus, all of a sudden, told dad they had to go back an aisle to the yarn aisle.  Dad wasn't sure what was going on but Marcus was determined.  Marcus went down the aisle and told dad exactly what he wanted.  

He wasn't in any doubt about the colour, his favourite colour, blue.   

He and Cassie wrapped it up and told me I couldn't  touch it till it was time to open it.  And for good measure, they told me they weren't going to tell me what it was.  Gone are the days when they couldn't  stop from saying!  

And then, just after I opened my present that Marcus thought of,  Carter called from his house, and sang me a wonderful version of Happy Birthday all by himself.  He finished it off with that verse where you sing how old are you, and giggled because he knew he was being a stinker.  But oh how sweet it was. 

I have the loveliest sweetest Grandchildren and now I am going to have to go out and get some white or black yarn to use with this. Not sure what it will be just yet, mittens or hats or scarves, but it doesn't matter.  My heart is full.

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