Wednesday 1 January 2020

New Year, New Things

Happy New Year.  

My bed socks are precisely half done.  

As silly as it sounds, I am deeply in love with these. They are warm, but not heavy and that is exactly what a good bed sock should be.  It also strikes me as perfect, that the socks span the change of our calendar year so precisely.  One foot in the old year, and one in the new, exactly as we all are.  

The second sock has a decent start this morning too.  

The last few years I spent the last post of the year looking back, and without thinking about it too much, this year, I was looking forward.  I was confused but I was looking to what comes next. I don't know if that is significant but it feels like it is.  It feels as if whatever path I was on, is ever so slightly different than before.  

I'm going to finish up this sock today.  Its stripes make it easy to stick with it and fun to work on.  I intend to be wearing them before days end.  And then on to something just a little different.  New Year.  New Things.

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