Monday 30 December 2019


I don't want to end this year with my last completed project being a dishcloth.  

Most assuredly not one with wonky edges and a weird colour combination.  

I am going to knit something much more cheery today.  I think.  In between everything else, family dinners, lots of visiting, kids, much too large sleeves, and other assorted little nightmares, which really aren't nightmares, just inconveniences, I have been knitting on fine things.  

I think this is going about how it should, though there is no way to tell until it is farther along.  Even then, with its  relaxed shaping, I am not sure I will be able to tell until I get to my target number of stitches at the underarm.  

I am thinking about lace today though.  And maybe getting a start to finishing it so pretty lace won't cross the decades end.  

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