Tuesday 1 October 2019

In the Now

I've been putting off working on dad's vest.  I've even been housecleaning just to avoid it.  It was time to sit down and get it done.

This morning I bit the bullet and got side one done.

You can finally get a feel for how this vest is going to look when it is done.  It's going to be marvelous.

All my time mucking about avoiding the issue was just a waste.  I was worrying about a future I had not yet made. 

"If you are depressed, you are living in the past,
If you are anxious, you are living in the future,
If you are at peace, you are living in the present."

Lao Tzu

Or attributed to him or them.  It is a gross over simplification of a thorny  and very complex  medical situation of course, but it does describe where my head has been.  I've been so busy worrying about doing that I completely stopped.  It is a good reminder to me, to keep my head focused on what is going on right now.

And right now, I am heading out to spin.  It is a good moment to be in.

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