Thursday 31 October 2019

I don't think that went how I wanted.

Just as I was going to write a post last night, my computer got the great blue screen of death.  Or maybe imminent death.  Sigh.

The landlord is going to look at it this evening.  But if it needs replacing, I am not sure what I will do.  It's not scheduled for replacement.  At least I have this tablet. 

I knit yesterday.  I knit a lot.

I pushed hard to get to where I could see the ripples from the increases, and I did.  But I don't think I like what they are doing.  I may be ripping back to the welt and redoing. 

I hate that, but it is what it is.  I hate doing that but the very best thing about knitting is that you can.  You can make it better.

So I will.

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