Saturday 12 October 2019

I am a Dunce

I realized this morning that I am a dunce.  

I wear sweaters a lot, almost everyday spring, fall and winter, plus occasional days in summer for the last twelve years.  There is always a sweater or two at hand.  

Washing them should be no chore by now.  It generally isn't.  Wherever I have lived, I have found a system to get the job done, a place to soak, a way  to get the water out and a place to dry them.  But I am still me.  Disrupt any part of my system, and I completely fall apart.  I'm not good at putting myself back together again.  It happens eventually, but it takes a long time.  

In August, when the kids were here, we used my sweater washing bucket to gather up toys from around the house.  It is still in the spare room, waiting to be emptied.  It isn't something I use a lot so it only bothers me when it is time to wash sweaters.  

Sweaters have been waiting for washing for a month now.  I am in fact, running out of sweaters to wear that are clean or even cleanish.   

I have been spinning out the wash water from sweaters in this machine for a long time.  It is so sensible.  And that is where I get the dunce cap.  Because it honestly never occurred to me to put the sweaters in the machine to soak.  On the clearly labeled SOAK cycle.  

Sigh.  You may now laugh at me.  Go ahead. I'm ok with it.  

I had a soak cycle on machines before but there was always added water in the spin cycle so I never even tried it in this machine before.  I've also had one machine that drained if I just let things soak by filling with water and turning the machine off.  So I never bothered to try this machine.  I got so set in my thinking that I never even tried it at all.  

Silly me.  The Soak cycle is perfect on this machine.  No more lazy delay because my bin is full of toys.  

The Dunce Cap is quite securely planted in my head and will be for some time.  

Take it from me, if you dare.  I bet you can't.

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