Tuesday 15 October 2019

Duncing, Day Two

Having sorted out my sweater washing issues, I've been washing sweaters for the last few days.  

One of the things I had to wash was my version of Joji's Easy Bulky One,

This sweater is my go to, throw it over pjs and hang out on the weekend garment.  Hang out all day really because it is just so wonderfully warm.  

I washed it a while ago and it grew.  The sleeves were really an issue.  They had just become too long to wear and knit.  Lately, it hasn't been worn much, but I craved it's warmth. It's  perfect for this time of year.  

So this big comfy sweater had completed its wash and all the water was spun out and it was time to hang it on the drying rack.  I sat there, starting to fold it and I looked at the open dryer door and...

I threw it in and started the dryer up.  I figured five minutes wouldn't hurt it and might make it a better fit for how I like to wear it.  So I went to get another cup of coffee and...

Promptly forgot all about it.  

About an hour later I realized what I had done.  I had no hope at all that my cozy sweater would survive.  None.  I ran to get it out and debated if it would be coasters or if it would make another bag.  I was pretty upset with myself.

I yanked it out of the dryer in a tumble of towels and face cloths and held it up and...

It had shrunk.  Exactly the right amount.  It fits perfectly. I won't  ever be able to do this again but it fits.  It is still large and cozy with plenty of room in the body for the casual, over pajama look I wanted from it in the first place.  The arms fit perfectly.  Exactly the right length, exactly right, like a normal fit sweater at the sleeves.  I could now wear it out of the house if I wanted to.  Not that I will.

I got lucky.  Very lucky.  Still deserving the dunce cap.  

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