Friday 9 August 2019

Full Obsession Mode.

So here I sit having survived week number two of babysitting in August.  That makes it sound really bad doesn't it and it hasn't been.  It is so much easier to be able to do this in my own home, sleeping in my own bed, doing at least a few of my own things.  These are very good kids, and they have been so god, unless they are tired and when they are tired, they go to bed really fast.  Some days are a bit harder than others, but isn't that just like normal?

I sit out front by the garage, and have a coffee and knit, and they go up and down the sidewalk exploring.  Cassie can go to the end of the block and Marcus can go to where I have to lean forward to be able to see him from where I sit.  It works well.  They feel responsible and trusted and have nice safe adventures.  Occasionally, the little girl from next door comes out to play and then all sorts of fun happens.

Meanwhile back at the ranch,grandma knits. I am getting a lot done on my blanket.  There is only one problem with it and it is only a problem if I think it to be.  

I have once again been participating in Stash Dash.  Last summer with my long adventure, I missed my goal by a bit and this year, with a smaller and very reachable goal, I have only a few hundred metres left, two to be precise.  There is lots of time to finish something.  So long as I set the blanket aside.  The blanket consumes me.  Putting it down is a difficult thing.  I haven't even thought of the two summer sweaters in days.  The green jacket is only for when I am done the large needles or when I feel the need for wool.  The blanket is all.

Still, I am going to give it a good go. I really would like to see myself hit that goal. There is a pair of socks I could be working on, and should be working on, that would take care of things.  There is a cowl in the works that is just knitting a tube. Both of these are lovely knits, easily done while child minding. There is no reason not to get to goal.  So long as I set the blanket aside.

That is the problem.  Setting the Sock Monkey Cabin Blanket aside while in full obsession mode is hard.  

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