Tuesday 16 July 2019

What was in that bag?

When I got home from spinning today, I pulled my spinning bag apart.  It was time.  The bag was so heavy and I wondered what I may have forgotten what I had in it. I suspected books. I have done that before. The results from the cleaning and the photographing were interesting. And mysterious.

This is what I carried in my weighty bag today. 

The colour is so pale here in comparison to the brilliance of this hot red braid from Colour Adventures. Spun a year or so ago, it is still waiting to be finished and then that whole batch of red needs to be plyed.

And then I pulled out this.  This is what I was working on though late winter till recently.  The second bobbin was getting full and the Vic doesn't like to spin on a really full bobbin without some extra braking so I paused that.  I wanted all of the fibre in one photo so I went grabbed the storage bobbin and then I reached to the bottom of my bag and I found...

two bobbins.  I know I only filled two bobbins with that bag of pencil roving.  I only had three bobbins. One red. One this stuff in my bag and the bobbin that I am now using for the pretty blue below.  The fibre from that bobbin is what is on the storage bobbin.  

So what in heavens name fibre is this on the storage bobbin?  Obviously not a third bobbin of that particular top.

And WHY do I suddenly have red still on a bobbin too?  Because between you and me, that is four bobbins. I only had three after I sold the Julia.  I am so confused.

I am going to have to check that the new owner did get three bobbins.  If I only had two ready when I sold it, I have to get the other bobbin off to Julie's new spinner, though I could have sworn I gave her three.  Did I have seven?  I HAVE no idea.

Which brings me to the current spinning

which is a braid of Falkland wool top dyed by Colour Adventures.  I don't think they are doing the fibre anymore, though the new dyer is doing some truly stunning yarns for Colour Adventure.  It is such a beautiful thing.

And then down at the bottom of the bag, was the usual spinners schmutz. 

I toss the bits in my big bag where it settles, but I really ought to collect it in a storage bag instead.  From here, it will go with wool bits and ends to be used for stuffing.   

All this was topped off with my yellow sweater in progress,

with all the balls of yarn in tow.  11 balls in total.  1100 grams. 

Which all together, explains why my bag was so heavy today.  Just a nice heavy bunch of yarn and some pretty spinning which led to very interesting questions that I hope to have answers for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. It would appear that the environment inside your spinning bag is perfect for bobbin replication. Can I put two of my Lendrum bobbins in, and see if three come out?
