Friday 17 May 2019

Early Morning

Every once in a while, I wake really early, like today.  4 a.m.  Sometimes, it feels like if I go back to bed, I am missing something .

The sky is perfectly blue this morning.  There are some low clouds hanging at the horizon and they are holding touches of pink and the most delicious peach from sunrise.  There is a crispness to the early morning air, but it isn't cold.  It just caresses your skin and asks softly that you put a light sweater on.   A choir of birds are singing their morning song before they go off to do their birdy tasks for the day. Far off, you can hear a lone strident seagull looking for the early tractor to follow in the fields. 

There are a few trucks out on the highway.  I can hear them in a far off sort way.  It is a kind of comforting sound, telling me I am not alone.  We are a quiet conspiracy of people awake to see this perfect morning.  

More often than not, seeing 4 a.m. on the clock, sends me back to bed but sometimes, I wake early and feel compelled to sit. If I go back to bed, I might be wasting the best part of the day.  Later in the day, the world gets noisy, and full of strife and stress as everything  and everyone goes about doing their days work,  even here in my quiet little town.  4 a.m. is a good reminder that there is so much more and that the world wakes up gently, that there is another way to be.

I'm going to sit here a while and just listen.   

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