Friday 31 May 2019

A Litany of Blessings?

Small blessings.  That is what yesterday was about.  Our skies here were filled with smoke which meant our forecast for temps in the range of 29C did not happen.  And it got really cool overnight, 4C.  However the sky filling with smoke, not the grey kind, but the ashy, smelly, orangey, greeny, can't see past 200 yards kind, meant that you couldn't breathe.  We were on a direct smoke path from the fires yesterday.   Still, in a lot of ways, breathing wasn't such a big deal.  Our lives and our homes were safe unlike so many people in the very dry north.  Small blessings.  Pray for rain.  Do a raindance. 

I stayed working with wool on Wednesday.  Ta Da! Two ends!

Part one of my new and authentic Einband shawl is done.  Picking up stitches along the lace border is going to have to wait though.   Kids are coming this weekend and there is some sewing to do.

Thursday I went to spin in the newly re-opened Strathcona County Library.  I spent the rest of the day getting some of the errands I had building up done.  Wiper blade for car.  Check.  Air filter for car.  Not in yet. Elastic for sewing.  Check.  New fabric for Cassie's skirt.  Check and on that last, I couldn't be more pleased.

I was struggling to find the right thing.  I did not really want heavy fabric and all I could find was heavy.  I asked a clerk if she had any swiss polka dot in pink or otherwise embellished lightweight cotton or poly cotton in a soft pink colour.  She offered to go searching but they were kind of busy.  I told her not to worry.  I would eventually find something and had lots of time to search and she aimed me in the direction of the bridal fabrics and fancier stuff and she went off to help others.   About 10 minutes later, she came running down the aisle, literally, with a massive bolt of fabric.  She said "I was cutting fabric for a customer and I looked up and saw it."  And she had.

I may or may not have screamed, "That's it!"  Thank you so much, enthusiastic Staff member at Fanny's Fabrics.  It is really the most perfect replacement skirt fabric I could have imagined.  It is dainty and airy and light in weight and is plenty wide to give my not a little princess Cassie her long princess twirly skirt!

When I was putting away the few things that did not sell in the garage sale I came across two and  bit skeins of a lovely blue Mirasol Tika. I guess it was meant for me to use. It's a great all cotton and it struck me that there was just enough yarn for another dress top for Cassie.  Which meant that I also picked up fabric for another skirt.

And more.  Marcus is always sad when there is nothing for him so this time, grandma made sure there was lots of fabric not just for the skirt, but also for a pair of little boy board shorts.  Uncle Keith has affirmed that fishy board shorts would be absolutely perfect for boys big and small. And while this grandma has the pattern out to cut pants for Marcus, she is also going to cut out a couple pairs of pajama pants too.  He can use those because I am pretty sure he has outgrown his others.

I have been a bit worried about this.  Cassie is getting a bit of a wardrobe boost this week.  Her new top and sweater are complete.  Her pink dress is restored and another one is on the way.  It is time for Marcus to get something special too.  

A busy weekend is on the way because said little people are visiting this weekend.  There is lots to do to get ready. We have to have inside activities in case the 'normal' park (as in not the water park) is not an option because of smoke or excess heat. I could go on with my litany of things, but seriously, time is wasting and it doesn't stop while I write. 




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