Tuesday 30 April 2019

Welcome to the 2, 5 and 10 club

Welcome to the 2, 5 and 10 club!

I really hoped to get this job done last night so all I would have to do was sit and knit till later today when I plan to get groceries.  Oh well.  It is all yarn.

I got through things much faster than I thought I would yesterday.  I envisioned culling the stash would take me several days, but it went rather quickly and took only a couple of hours.  I still have to reorganize the stash, though. Better to do that after when I see if anything has to come back into the house.

Last year pricing was easy.  I really had no love left for what went and just really wanted them gone.  Bags were priced at 2 and 5 dollars.  There were sweater quantities that were 5 dollars and I was good with that.  This year it is a little harder.

These are yarns that I would use, but that are never going to get chosen because there are so many other good yarns that are going to end up getting chosen first.

Pounds and pounds and pounds of yarn.  That big bag is about three and a half feet high and is almost too heavy to pull along the floor. The other bag which I am working on right now, was about half that.  There are cottons.  There is wool.  There are fancy shmancy hand dyes.  There is cashmere. There is silk.  There is lace. There are single skeins.  There is yarn for sweaters.  There is yarn for delicate shawls. 

I did not go through the chunky yarn and the sock yarn yet.  I don't have a lot of chunky yarn and what I have is pretty nice.  At this point, I think I am keeping it all.  And sock yarn?  There is so much.  I do want to go through it.  There are colour ranges that I bought for Brian and thought I might use for myself, but honestly, there is too much as well as there being too much that is too plain.  Socks are my happy place and that means colourful, cheerful and apparently orange things.   I have to be a bit careful with it though.  I will need many colours of fingering weight for the garden of my miniature house and there are some that would be great high contrast colours for monster socks.

I was going through and letting go long before KonMari was a thing. I have gone through a lot of stuff in the last six years and each time I do, I end up thinking about the nature of our connection, our emotional involvement with our stuff, why we attach to it and what need did it fill for us? I also think about why, be it incidental or purposeful, in the end, some things that that we spent a lot of time building, making, assembling, become so easy to let go of and why other, sometimes very surprising things are so hard to let go.  Over all my moves and sorting and clearing out homes and houses and lives, I find it fascinating that I learned as much about myself in letting go as I did collecting and assembling my many and various collections, maybe more.  

The 2, 5 and ten club happens on Saturday from 9 to 4.  If you bring a chair, there will be space to sit and knit.  There will also be a heat lamp and a roof to stay dry under because...

A touch of snow and it is about time.  I hope for lots of it.  It is very dry here and we need it.  

1 comment:

  1. Just swinging by to get some hints as to the sale offerings on Saturday... doing some reconnaissance....never mind me....
