Wednesday 10 April 2019

Little Bits

I choose the shawl pattern I am working on because the cast on said 12 stitches.  Almost every other shawl in the entire book, Three Cornered and Long Shawls says something like cast on 346.  It's easy to do 12.

And you would think it would be boring just working across these few stitches, but it isn't.  there is a rhythm to each set of rows and each little section of the lace is complete almost before you think you have begun.  Knitting it is hypnotic.

It is the perfect evening knitting.  Not that I have done much evening knitting before, but right now, I am trying to sync myself with the rest of the world and have a bit of an evening.  I had been working on evenings before the babysitting came up.  Last fall, I was still doing household chores late in the day, things like dusting, but it is so nice to be able to have a knitting project so perfectly suited to my needs.

The repeat is 12 rows but it is so simple that it took no time at all to get it into my head.  The only trouble I have come up against is that I occasionally find myself knitting a pattern row on the plain row side.  It is a must for me to keep my stitch marker near the top of the work so it catches my eye  to tell me I am wrong. 

Great little pattern, great little yarn.  It makes for happy days.

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