Thursday 25 April 2019

Creature of Routine

I seem to have developed a funny little routine.  First thing in the morning, I knit a couple rows on Emmett's scarf.


I do mean a couple of rows.  Slow going but it us going. Then I have coffee.

And then I pick up socks.  There are several pair at hand and even though I have enough socks at the moment,

they still part of my warm up routine. You can even see the single skein of ragg look sock yarn that is just waiting for a set of needles. It's another new project, that will, I hope, take the place of sock knitting for the rest of the year.

Ans then I grab the lace and knit at least one pattern repeat of the pattern.

Then, and only then are my hands sufficiently warmed up to work on the top.

It's really starting to look like the top I imagined.  Each of the last two days, I have gotten enough done that I can feel really pleased with my progress.

Each pink marker shows the days starting point.  The other significant thing about this picture is that I just started the second ball of the grey.  These balls are big.  I won't be getting the same number of rows the next ball.  The top is getting wider fast, as the flowing hem is created.  

And so it goes, knitting, focusing on this top till I can knit no more for the day.  I noticed that these projects have been worked on in exactly the same order the last few days, with my second cup of coffee. While I am sure the coffee prompted the revelation, I have no idea what is driving the routine.  I only know it is.

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