Wednesday 15 August 2018

Yarn management games

It is 9 a.m. and the street lights are on.  They are on due to forest fires in BC and the smoke is thick in the air.  My normally bright solatubes are a weird orangish colour

and if you want to do anything in the bathrooms, you will need lights on today.  That isn't normally the case.  Solatubes usually are so bright that there are no shadows at all in the room.  People look for light switches when they leave the rooms and if I am honest, the number of times I check during the day to be sure I have the lights off is silly even after all this time.  

Our air quality index here is at a high risk at the moment.  By noon it will be very high and will stay that way all day. It is a good day to take it easy even if you are healthy and strong.  This is not a day to be outdoors running or working in the garden.  If you work outside, take it easy with lots of breaks.

The only upside is that all this intense smokes mitigates the temperatures, because the sun is filtered.  I pray BC gets some nice not thunder and lightning rain very very soon.

It is a good day to knit.  So I am.  I'm plugging away faithfully on my Easy Bulky One.  It is down below the armpits now and I have started the colourwork bit to switch yarns.

Yes in this rusty red yarn, there will be a switch to green.  

I originally bought the yarn to make myself a Taiga Vest or to possibly turn it to a sweater.  I did an online purchase and once the colours arrived, I realized that there wasn't nearly enough contrast between them to make a really punchy great looking vest. 


You would think there would be but nope.


The only difference is that one has more visible light flecks.  But I think for this sweater, where the point is a usable garment for sitting at home, and to have it done before the end of stash dash, it's going to be fine.  I do want it to look as nice as possible though and I did have to think seriously on how to make that happen. 

I went through various ideas, and ended with  what Raveler EsHauch did on her sweater, Akka fra Kebnekaise, which is built from a Basic Raglan by Barbara Walker and Pebble Cliff from Shibui Knits from which she was inspired to design her own variation.  I am making mine a variation of hers.  She bases her pattern on lice separated by 3 and I am doing 5.  I think that will give me a better look in this bulky yarn. 

I am planning to knit the sleeves before I get too much farther.  I don't expect they will be very long, but even so, I really don't want to be flipping the full weight of this entire sweater as I work down them. 

The other consideration in knitting sleeves next, is that I want to use up all the yarn.  I have 12 balls, 6 in each colour.  It has taken me 3 balls to get to where I am this morning, midway down my bosom and to me, that means that I need every possible inch to get to a good length on the body.  The current plan is to switch now to the green and then, as the bottom approaches, to knit the last 5 inches (I hope) in rust.  That will only happen if there is enough rust yarn.  So, back where I always seem to be, planning on what to do if I run out of yarn and how to manage so I don't.

It's about 10:30 now as I finish up this post and the sky has brightened somewhat.

It looks like a more average cloudy day now. No more funny orange and green look to the sky.   Time to turn off all my lights and get to work.   

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