Thursday 26 October 2017

And Then it is Done

You know how on a big project, you work and work and work and it goes on and on and on and

then all of a sudden there is one stitch left.


It is done.  I might go back and re-do the kitchener at the join of the edging.  It was going along ok, and then all of a sudden it didn't match.  No idea what is up with that and I know I can do better, but for now, the whole project is a win.  I think I will do it again, after blocking it.  Easier to see if I miss something, methinks.

As you see, without blocking it is the size of my sofa.  It is pretty good as is, but with a nice gentle blocking I expect it will gain 6 to 8 inches in width and breadth, and that will make it just perfect.

I used much more of the 5th skein that I thought I would.

Over half for sure.  I am so glad I had extra sheeps grey on hand.

There is always a lull when a big project is finished, and this project is no exception.  It has been almost all I worked on all fall. It feels a little lonely without it.

Still, I dug out the other shawl that is going to Kyiv and it is ready to be worked on. 

There isn't much left of the border lace to knit, and the edging is narrow and fairly simple.  Today's knitting is going to be about getting the error repaired or pulling back to just before the error.  One good try and a plan if I can't get it.

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