Thursday 12 October 2017

A busy day of rest.

My hand is much improved but I am going to rest it again today.  I did do a few rows of knitting yesterday, slowly and paying a great deal of attention to how my fingers sit as I knit and probably will do the same today.  Those few rows yesterday were enough that cozy 4 is an almost finished item.  I am 1 row from increase 7 and the decrease rounds.

Today though, I am going to knit on the shawl.  I can knit that lace border slowly and in almost every way, it puts less stress on my hands than the cables and decreasing number of stitches of the cozy do.

Another small task I did yesterday was to get the mass of cotton for weaving practice out of bags and stored in some semblance of order.  I made room on my bookcase and oddly enough, what seemed to be a teeming mass of yarn, spilling out of every basket and bag I put it in,  looks much smaller now

and quite mannerly.  Lots to be getting on with though.  I think I am going to put all the other weaving cottons there too.  There are cones in boxes and that will be dealt with on the next big dig, but some stayed in the bottom of the spare and repair socks bin in my room. Those homeless yarns will perfectly fit with these thicker cottons lest I get some weird idea I need more to fill the shelf. 

I did get rest of the boxes and miscellaneous yarns back in the closet but as with every time I play in the closet, even a little there is a price to pay.  The closet is like going to a yarn store.  It makes me want. I couldn't help it.  There were a dozen new and different projects that I wanted to work on right now.   

I did try to focus on the yarns I pulled out in the big dig a couple weeks ago.  After I put away what needed putting, I fondled the various yarns in the next up bins.  I hoped it would reset my vision and focus back to my fall knitting plans.  This morning, it seems to have worked.  I feel calm and very committed to my planned projects.  There are some real gems in the next up bins and I really do want to work with them.  I want the sweaters, but even more, my hands want to work with the fibres.

It is so easy to get off track. I can knit all the things, but not at once.  As my WIP bins attest, I do try to knit all the things at once as is.  I do not need any help from the peanut gallery aka the stash. 

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