Thursday 24 August 2017

Sweeto Granito?

You know how when you are working on something and it feels so right?  Yeah.  This.

I'm having an enormous amount of fun with this knit.  Yes it is miles of  stockinette.  Yes it is pretty much the same all the way down, since I am not doing pockets.  At least I think it is.  It's probably time to read the pattern again just to be sure.  

According to my stitch counts, I have another 30 increases to do and that will put the end of the increases right where they ought to be.  I know that the reason I love this pattern is the way it sits and drapes and I know that I am knitting increases in a way that the pattern doesn't ask for, but I also  know that my body isn't designed for this pattern. There are no patterns designed for these hips!  According to all the fit charts out there, I don't exist.  I am unique, as are we all, so the things I do to make the pattern work for me, are only ever best guess till I have a finished knit and try it on. 

It could be depressing if I had to reknit.  But that is the chance I take on every pattern I knit.    I'm willing to take a chance for a couple of reasons. 

The design has a couple elements that have the same feel as Joji's Lipstick.  Both have the fitted yet slightly dropped shoulder.  Both have a strong vertical element.  That similarity in the vertical element is what made me me feel this design could be a fairly intuitive knit.  The drape is different, but the way my version of Lipstick turned out, gives me great hope for something at least as successful as that.

The second and more important reason is that it is all knitting and that just makes me feel happy.  Yes, I am very product oriented, but even when a product turns out like crap, I find something of value in it.  Nothing teaches you more than failing.  Even if I had to reknit half the sweater, I would be okay with it. 

Am I worried that I might have to?  Maybe.  Yes.  The way I am doing the increases, the vertical ridge, that I so love, stays the same width apart on the front, or very close to it.  The sides sections are where I am putting the vast majority of the extra increases that I require, but the back, between the ridges is getting some too.  I'm a little concerned that the back ridges will look off because they are not straight, but rather get farther apart through the middle of the sweater.   I am hoping the scale of the ridges stays correct.    If it all looks horribly wrong on the backside, I will probably wear it anyway.  I don't have to see it after all, but the next time I knit it, I would probably leave the ridges off the back. 

Anyway, time will tell.  When I get home I will have to give it a first try on.  Did I mention that I didn't do that yet?  Yeah, that is barely this side of stupid.  The body is at my waist.  It moved so far the last couple of days...What can I say.  Living dangerously, trusting the numbers.  It's a little scary, but kind of fun.

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