Wednesday 17 May 2017

On Spinning and Sunlight and Bright Spaces

After a couple days of no pictures, today we have pictures!

As always, Tuesday was spinning day.  I am pretty pleased with the quality of my singles,

though I still have work to do on plying to get it to where I would like it to be.  What I have done so far is ok but I struggle with it.  I am thinking of trying to tension my lazy kate and see if that doesn't make it feel more natural.

But this roving is so pretty.

I love how the rich rusty orange tones melt into soft weathered grays. There are a couple more spinning sessions left with the first half of the braid and then I must decide if I am going to fractal it or if I simply follow the colours and chain ply it to preserve them.  Both are good options for this braid,  Right now I am leaning to chain plying so I don't muddy these magnificent waters.

It is another sunny morning here.  When I first got up today, the sun was onto the big bookcase over there, deep into the room.  In order to turn the TV on, I have to shade the TV!

It is very bright and I quite simply love it.  First morning sun is such a joy to me after all those years living in a forest.  I loved that forest too,  but everything has a place and a time and the forest places time is done.  I love where I am right now and I love where I have moved on to.

In a way, that is what yesterday was about.  Moving on.  Son 1 and his family took possession of their new house yesterday,

where they will also have the most marvelous light from the eastern facing bay windows in the dining room and as you can see, they will have great all day light from the south facing living room bay windows!

What a lovely way to spend a day.  Morning spinning in my bright sunny living room and something wonderful for my family in the afternoon.

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